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GH 301: Take The Lead

Course Description

Everyone will get a chance to lead something, formally or informally. Most in this course will be in positions of leadership in the near future if not already. Thus, you will either be effective or ineffective as a leader, there isn’t a space for neutral leadership effectiveness. This course will not guarantee effectiveness, however, it will provide sufficient information to reflect on why or why not one was effective. Students will be engaged in conversations about how they can be more effective as leaders once they are in a leadership position. We will read and discuss informative books, invite local leaders to participate in discussions, visit leaders engaged in leadership, journal thoughts, analyze actions past leaders have taken, and come to an understanding of what we can and cannot do; “…a man’s got to know his limitations” (Clint Eastwood).

Instructor: Dr. Steve Gruenert

Dr. Gruenert's research has focused on organizational culture and climate. He teaches an Honors 101 course and also teaches research for graduate students completing dissertations.

Please contact Dr. Gruenert if you have questions about this course.