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Jennefer Weeks














Jennefer Weeks
Oil Paint
March 2020
16in x 20in


Socially distanced


















Jennefer Weeks
Socially Distanced
Oil and Acrylic Paint
March 2020
36in x 40in


















Jennefer Weeks
Oil Paint
April 2020
8in x 8in

For my pieces, I wanted to focus on the current pandemic and how it is affecting my life.  Drowning focuses on the feeling of being suffocated from being trapped and feeling like you are so close to breaking free but you are being held back.  Socially Distanced is a representation of the worry we feel and the scariness the media is putting in our brains.  I chose a self-portrait for this painting because it shows my personal thoughts and emotions. Isolation shows how the virus is affecting the world.  With no one being able to go out and work, buildings sit empty and start to deteriorate.  It shows how the world might be if this virus lasts too long.  Places will be forced to close due to lack of funding.  Covid 19 is not only affecting people but everything else.

Jennefer Weeks will be graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art with a 2D concentration.