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Abigail Westman

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Abigail Westman
Fall 2019

A woman's body is often judged by society and if it's not up to code, she is shamed.  I wanted to convey the emotion of anxiety in this piece.


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Abigail Westman
Lesson Plan: Synesthesia Abstraction
Acrylic paint
October 2020

This painting is based on Chromesthesia and the abstract works of Wassily Kandinsky.  Synesthesia is the production of a sense while the body creates stimulation of another sense.  I created this piece while listening to a classical work, Tomaso Albinoni's Adagio for Strings and Organ in G Minor.  The lesson plan is made for a painting class in a high school.

Abigail Westman will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Art Education.