ISU Library Presents: the Long Night Against Procrastination

ISU Library Presents: the Long Night Against Procrastination

Event Type



Cunningham Memorial Library, Events Area




(812) 237-2560


This event focuses on students needing research help with end-of-semester research/writing assignments. This 3-hour evening drop-in event provides lots of options! Librarians and consultants from the Math and Writing Center can work with students and their assignments. Students can also just take a break! Student Health Promotions will provide stress reduction tips and some yoga [no experience necessary]. The very popular therapy dogs will return from 8-9 p.m. Games, coloring books and snacks should take care of the rest of their anxieties. New: "Name That Database", a game the librarians have concocted, with prizes! Long Night Against Procrastination gives everyone numerous opportunities to take advantage of expert assistance that will help them succeed academically, mentally and physically as the semester winds to an end. (#ISU-LNAP; #ISULIB)