Jumpstart January

Jumpstart January

Event Type



Cunningham Memorial Library (Faculty Center for Teaching Excellence, Room 103)




(812) 237-2688


DEVELOPING AND DESIGNING RUBRICS: This session is geared toward taking an in-depth look at rubrics as a means for making learning meaningful at the same time as making grading efficient. Purposeful ways to develop rubrics that match learning outcomes will be shared.  Designing rubrics to fit the needs of your assignment will make grading easier.  In addition, several examples from different disciplines will be shared, including some examples from faculty who teach online.

INFORMED LEARNING:  Assignments don't sparkle the way they used to? Are your paper requirements not making sense to students anymore?  Are you intrigued about creating novel and interesting research/writing projects? Enthralled by the idea of introducing students to different resources for their assignments?  Perhaps it's time to try something new!  Are you shaking your head and thinking that sounds like a lot of work?  Not if you partner with a librarian during the Spring of Informed Learning Program.  Our time can save YOU time and improve student outputs. A continental breakfast will be served.