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GH 101: The Rise of Gen Z: From Boomers to Zoomers
Generations are cyclical – they come and go, and the movement is circular with each one shaping the world for the next. All generations - Silents, Millenials, Zoomers, Gen X, and Boomers - are defined by the prevailing cultural moments, global events, and technological advances in which they are immersed as they come of age. In this course, we will look at how generations come to be: What is the nature of groups of people, and what are the pivotal elements that form the attitudes, preferences, and characteristics of groups who share a common stretch of years? What are these defining generational characteristics, and are our perceptions of different generations even accurate? Are these defining generational attitudes, lifestyles, technology, and world events more powerful than other demographic factors that bind groups (socio-economic status, education, race, gender, ethnicity, culture)? And if the times and conditions shaping our lives are so relevant, yet so different across generations, why do some of us sometimes feel like “old souls”? One goal of the course will be to explore how we can live, work, govern, and otherwise inhabit the world together to make it a better place through a better understanding of ourselves and others.
Instructor: Dr. Whitney Nesser
Please contact Dr. Nesser if you have questions about this class.
Greg Bierly, Dean
Pickerl Hall 110
Indiana State University
812.237.3676 fax
Office Hours:
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM