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GH 201: Introduction to the Great Works: "Lost" Literature

The television show Lost was transformative in the range of literary techniques employed and intricacies of the story lines. This course will use the show as a foundation for discovering literary technique and character archetypes. The producers of the show borrowed themes and storylines from great works of literature and in what the show creator J.J. Abrams called “Easter eggs” these texts are placed within the show as set props, often foreshadowing events to come. We will parallel selected readings which appear in the show with episodes which employ similar literary techniques. Additionally we will explore the central concept of the show, free will vs determinism or fate.

Instructor: Dr. Kevin Bolinger

Professor Bolinger is a professor of education in the Department of Teaching and Learning primarily teaching social studies education. He has degrees in behavioral science, history, and education. His research and publications have focused on development of critical thinking in the classroom and use of engaging teaching strategies.

If you have questions about this course, please email Dr. Bolinger.


Video: Dr. Bolinger discusses GH 201: Introduction to the Great Works: "Lost" Literature