SMIFC: 2019 SMIFC Conference Proceedings


Some of the speakers have very kindly allowed us to share their presentations. For ease of use, the presentations have been converted to PDF format.

Charlie Bobrinskoy, Vice Chairman, Director of Research, Ariel Investments presented Applications of Behavioral Finance

William Strauss, Senior Economist and Economic Advisor of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago spoke on the U.S. Economic Outlook for 2020 - 2022


Kaplan Poster Session Competition

1st - Kennesaw State University
Nicholas Busson, Solomon Dodson, Luis Ramirez and Thomas Young

2nd - Austin Peay State University
Patrick Bush, Michael Dove, Matthew O'Brien and Riley Perkins

3rd - Northern Illinois University
Timothy Green, Carl Lindgren, Jenna Morgan, Stephen Randles Moss and Gina Nicolosi

Voleo Portfolio Building Competition

1st - Southern Utah University

1st Portfolio Building Competition - Southern Utah University

The team from Southern Utah University
Briley Roundy, Natalie Smith, Quentin Vavasseur and Marin Ward
To left are Jack Maynard, Interim Dean and Tarek Zaher, co-founder of SMIFC, Scott College of Business, Indiana State University
To the right is Alana Levine, Marketing Director, Voleo


2nd - Salve Regina University

2nd Portfolio Building Competition - Salve Regina University

The team from Salve Regina University
Garret Aube, Thomas DeNault, Merrek Page and Nicholas Ranucci
To the left is Alana Levine, Marketing Director, Voleo (Photo: Voleo)


3rd - Hofstra University

3rd Voleo Portfolio Building Competition - Hofstra University

The team from Hofstra University
Thomas Maciura, Samantha Meltzer, Suveer Seemangal and Ranganath Srinivasan
To left are Jack Maynard, Interim Dean, Scott College of Business, Indiana State University

To the right is Alana Levine, Marketing Director, Voleo (Photo: Voleo)

Student Managed Investment Fund Consortium (SMIFC)


Contact Us

Tarek Zaher 
Coordinator and co-founder of the SMIF Consortium
Professor of Finance
Investment Club Advisor
Scott College of Business
Federal Hall, Room 321
Indiana State University
30 N. 7th St., Terre Haute, IN 47809
Phone: 812-237-2093

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