Sales & Negotiations: Sales Education

Here is a summary of some of the unique programs offered to our undergraduate students.

Click on each item to learn more.

Marketing Major with Choice of Two Concentrations:

  • Marketing Management, or
  • Sales Management

Sales and Negotiations Minor

Insurance Sales Certificate

Financial Services Selling Minor

Courses in Sales and Negotiations for ISU Students

MKTG 344 - Professional Selling - 3 Credits

Examines professional selling within the context of business to business markets. Develops the skills required to find qualified prospects, convert qualified prospects into satisfied customers, and grow revenues over time through the development of productive business relationships. Prerequisite: MKTG 301 or BUS 361.

MKTG 443 / MKTG 543 - Business to Business Marketing - 3 Credits

Examines buyer behavior and purchasing procedures within the business to business sector of the economy. Based on that understanding, the course also examines the development of appropriate marketing strategies for these important customers, perhaps strategic accounts, within the commercial/industrial, governmental, and/or institutional market. Prerequisite for 443: MKTG 301 or BUS 361. Prerequisite for 543: Consent of the MBA Director.

MKTG 444 / MKTG 544 - Salesforce Management - 3 Credits

Examines the strategic management of an outside salesforce within a global business to business environment. Covers salesforce recruitment, organization, motivation, and control. Prerequisite for 444: MKTG 344. Prerequisite for 544: Consent of the MBA Director.

MKTG 445 / MKTG 545 - Business Negotiations - 3 Credits

Examines business negotiation principles and practices. Builds skills in the process of negotiating business agreements within and across organizations. Prerequisite for 445: Junior standing. Prerequisite for 545: Consent of the MBA Director.

Participation in Sales Competitions

The Sales and Negotiations Center at Indiana State University plans to participate in at least two sales competitions each year. This is an important opportunity for our students to meet and compete with the very best sales students in the country. These competitions typically include Career Fairs and significantly enhance employment opportunities for our ISU students.

Contact Us


Contact Us

Dr. David Fleming
Sales & Negotiations Center
Scott College of Business
Federal Hall
30 N. 7th St., Room 105
Indiana State University
812-237-2286 phone
812-264-1075 (cell)

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