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The Co-Curricular Record is a Strategic Initiative to provide students with a verified, documented history of their university related achievements outside of the classroom. Indiana State University began to systematically maintain co-curricular data beginning with the Fall 2010 term. While data prior to the Fall 2010 term that may appear has been verified, it may not be complete. Please note this record may not include all activities in which the student may have participated.

Release of Information
Contact Information
Explanation of Data
To Test for Authenticity

Release of Information

This official record has been released at the request of the student with the understanding that it will not be released to other parties. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, prohibits release of information to any other party without the student’s written consent.

Contact Information

For general questions concerning the Co-Curricular Record please contact the Associate Dean of Student Affairs.
Phone: 812-237-3852
For questions on the authenticity of this document or the security features contained within please contact the Office of Registration and Records.
Phone: 812-237-2020

Explanation of Data

Internships and Cooperatives
Includes information on internships, practicums, clinicals, and cooperatives performed while attending the university. Data in this section is collected and maintained by the Career Center.
Location: Career Center, 231 North 6th Walkway
Phone: 812-237-5000

Student Organizations

Includes information on leadership and membership activity in university registered organizations and clubs. Data in this section is collected and maintained by the office of Campus Life.
Location Hulman Memorial Student Union, Room 515
Phone: 812-237-3830

Student Employment

Includes information on university related student employment. Data in this section is collected and maintained by the Career Center.
Location: Career Center, 231 North 6th Walkway
Phone: 812-237-8887

Community Service

Includes information on student involvement in university recognized community service activities and events. Data in this section is collected and maintained by the Center for Community Engagement.
Location: Tirey Hall, Room 134A
Phone: 812-237-2334

Study Abroad

Includes information on university recognized international learning experiences. These include semester abroad programs and faculty led trips. Data in this section is collected and maintained by the Office of Academic Programs Abroad.
Location: Stalker Hall, Room 215
Phone: 812-237-3427

NCAA Athletics

Includes information on student participation in varsity athletics. Data in this section is collected and maintained by the Athletic Study Program in the Student Academic Services Center.
Location: Erickson Hall, Room 130F
Phone: 812-237-2300

To Test for Authenticity:

Translucent globe icons MUST be visible from both sides when held toward a light source. The face of this transcript is printed on blue SCRIP-SAFE® paper with the name of the institution appearing in white type over the face of the entire document.

Additional Tests: When photocopied, a latent security statement containing the words ISU CO-CURRICULAR RECORD and COPY should alternately appear over the face of the entire document. When this paper is touched by fresh liquid bleach, an authentic document will stain brown. A black and white or color copy of this document is not an original and should not be accepted as an official institutional document. THIS DOCUMENT MAY NOT BE RELEASED TO A THIRD PARTY WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE STUDENT. This is in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. If you have any questions about this document, please contact our office at (812) 237-2020. ALTERATION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE!


Indiana State University
HMSU 615

812.237.4413 fax