The Legislative branch of SGA is comprised of the Senate. Senate shall consist of representatives from the student body elected according to SGA Code. The purpose of the Senate is legislate on matters of student interest and to review the actions of the Executive Branch. The mission of the Senate is as follows:
- To appropriate Student Organization Funding.
- To amend the SGA Constitution and the Standing Rules of Senate to better serve the Student body.
- To have the power to approve appointed SGA officers, as well as to establish the duties and compensation of said officers in the SGA Code.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Student Government Association Senate, applications are available on the SGA page of the ISU Treehouse under the Forms tab!
The link to the Student Government Association ISU Treehouse page with the Student Senate Application form: https://indstate.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/student-government-a...
HMSU, 621
Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 am-5:00 pm
Indiana State University