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Parents and Family

Parents and other family members are a college student's greatest support source. If you are wondering how you can assist your student, being informed of our services is important. The Career Center offers a variety of resources and programs that can help you increase your knowledge and inform your family member so they can better prepare and plan for their future. We encourage you to talk with one of our Student Career Counselors either in person, via the internet or by phone. It is never too early to become involved!

Top 5 Ways to Help Your Student with Career Development

  • Listen to your Student. One of the most important things that you can do is to listen to your student. Be open to new ideas and try to help them find information. It is also important to be non-judgmental. Remember, this is a time for your student to fulfill their dreams, not your dreams.
  • Be a networking resource. Help your student develop contacts for information and advice for career planning and internship possibilities. Refer your student to colleagues, friends, neighbors, family and community members that have experiences related to your student's interests. Encourage your student to make connections with faculty members.
  • Be an advocate. Encourage your student to use the services available to them through the ISU Career Center. No matter what their year in college, we can assist them. Encourage your student to visit the Career Center early in their college career. Career counselors will assist your student in narrowing down career choices through interest assessments, library resources, and informational interviews. The counselors are also able to assist with interviewing skills, resume and cover letter development, as well as with internships and job search strategies. When you refer them to the Career Center, you're starting them down a path toward future success.
  • Be their Cheerleader. Talk about the personal qualities that you see as their strengths and talents. By reassuring them that they have what it takes to succeed, they will feel more confident in the decision that they have made. Help them understand they can do something instead of doing something for them.
  • Emphasize the value of getting involved and gaining experience. One way to be competitive in today's job market is to get experience in your chosen career field. A great way to do this is to participate in internships, co-ops, and volunteer experience. Many times, students will also make connections that will benefit them in the future. A great way to gain interpersonal skills is to become a leader in a campus organization. Employers value the experiences that students gain through campus involvement. Being involved on campus also helps your student develop a sense of balance in life between work and play.

Additional Resources

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Hours of Operations
Mon - Fri: 8am - 4:30pm
Walk-In Hours:
Mon - Fri: 10am - 12pm & 1 - 3pm

Indiana State University Career Center
231 North 6th Walkway
Terre Haute, IN 47809
Phone:(812) 237-5000 
Fax:(812) 237-4392

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