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Why Gender Studies
What Can I Do With a Gender Studies Minor?
Students who have specialized in gender studies enter occupations in health, human resources, business, criminology, social, human services, education and library services, and law and government.
Specific occupations include: advocate for domestic violence victims, journalist, advocate for hate-crime victims, law enforcement, archivist, lawyer, art therapist, librarian, artist, minister, battered women’s center director, musician, business owner, nurse or midwife, clinical social worker, Planned Parenthood clinic coordinator, college professor, program director at human rights organization, communications consultant, psychotherapist, congressional fellow, public and government relations manager, cooperative grocery manager, rape crisis program director, director of program for inner-city teenagers, recreational therapist, doctor, sexual assault/sexual abuse educator, energy conservation manager, teacher, film-casting assistant, theater worker, flight instructor, town manager, health clinic medical assistant, union organizer, HIV educator, university staff psychologist, hospital foundation executive director, writer, and human services administrator.
How Can I Find Out if Gender Studies is Right for Me?
Talk to faculty and current students, take a gender studies course, or research the subject at the library. GNDR 200, Introduction to Gender Studies, is a general education course. There are several sections offered each semester. The student group, Feminist Majority, is affiliated with the gender studies program. The gender studies program office is part of the Center for Interdisciplinary Programs, located in Holmstead Hall 291. Our hours are M-F, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
There are several good books to read about gender studies including, Luebke and Reilly’s Women’s Studies Graduate: The First Generation, O’Barr and Wyer’s Engaging Feminism” Students Speak Up and Speak Out, and Findlen’s Listen Up: Voices of the Next Feminist Generation.
Two sites from Ms. Magazine with information related to gender studies
- Transform the World - what you can do with a degree in women's studies {2007}
- What I'm Doing With My Women's Studies Degree {2007; letters from Ms. readers}