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Faculty: Many of our faculty members have worked in the criminal justice field and are able to weave both theory and practice into their classroom presentations. Several of our faculty members have been elected to offices in state, regional, and national professional associations. Some faculty have research grants which allow students to work on field research projects. One of our faculty members has gained a national reputation as a writer and has won a number of awards for his publications. Our faculty have served as consultants to the National Institute of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the Federal Election Commission, the U.S. Navy, Army, and Air Force, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the Private Detectives' Association ofSpain, the Indiana State Police, the Alabama Highway Patrol, the Indiana Department of Correction, the Indiana Department of Transportation, the National Sheriffs' Association, the Indiana Sheriffs' Association, the Indiana Association of Chiefs of Police, the Indiana State Coroners Training Board, the IndianaCampus Law Enforcement Administrators Association, the Indiana Association of Community Corrections Act Counties, the Hudson Institute, and numerous criminal justice agencies of local government.