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Graduate Program Admission Requirements
Graduate Program Admission and Application Requirements
Admission Requirements:
The general requirements governing admission, standards of work, and admission to candidacy, which are established by the School of Graduate and Professional Studies, apply to all students working toward the Master of Arts and Master of Science degrees in Criminology & Criminal Justice. In addition, applicants for the Master of Arts in Criminology & Criminal Justice must have an undergraduate cumulative grade point average of 2.75 (based on a 4.00 scale).
While the applicant need not have completed an undergraduate major in criminology, he/she should have graduated from an accredited undergraduate institution, and must have completed the following courses or their equivalents: Criminology 200 (3 credits) and Juvenile Delinquency 423 (3 credits); and 12 credits of courses in sociology, psychology, and political science.
Criminology 200 and Juvenile Delinquency 423, or their equivalents, must be taken as undergraduate courses prior to admission to the graduate program; however, a student will be able to take six credits of undergraduate criminology plus six credits of graduate course work in departments other than Criminology & Criminal Justice under a Tentative Admission status. The 12 credits of courses required in the social sciences may be taken for undergraduate credit at the same time as graduate courses are being taken toward the degree.
Admission Application
It is incumbent that applicants submit/attach/upload all departmentally required documents prior to submitting the online application to maximize the utility of the application and efficiency.
Applicants must submit the following:
1. A one to two page typewritten, Personal Statement, which minimally includes the following: career goals, including professional achievement; academic experience to date; and how a master's in criminology from Indiana State University will assist the applicant in achieving personal and professional goals.
2. The applicant must provide three letters of recommendation from academic/professional resources. Not more than one of the letters can be from the Indiana State University Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
For additional information, write to:
Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice
c/o Graduate Program
Holmstedt Hall 210
Indiana State University
Terre Haute, IN 47809
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