Valentina French

Valentina French

Associate Professor Emeritus

M.S., 1987, Oklahoma State University
Ph.D., 1992, Oklahoma State University


Research Interests

Dr. French's research interests include optical properties of solid state materials with applications to optical devices, nonlinear/complex systems, and projects relevant to physics education.

Selected Publications

The Science of Nanotechnology: An Introductory Text; L. Tilstra, S.A. Broughton, R. Tanke, D. Jelski, V. French, G. Zhang, A. Popov, A. Western, T. George, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2008.

An artificial Neural Network Model of Aging and Cognition; T. Alvager, V. French, G. Putman, D. Herrmann, E. Anderson; Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, editor M.H. Hamza, ACTA Press, 2003.

The Yerkes-Dodson Law Simulated with an Artificial Neural Network; V.A. French, E. Anderson, G. Putman, T. Alvager; Cognitive Systems, vol. 5(2), pp. 136-147, 1999.

Nonlinear Dynamics of a Sinusoidally Driven Pendulum in a Repulsive Magnetic Field; A. Siahmakoun, V.A. French, J. Patterson; American Journal of Physics, vol. 65(5), pp. 393-400, 1997.

Angular Multiplexing for Lateral Shear Interferometry Using Photorefractive BaTiO3; V.A. French, A. Siahmakoun, J. Spielvogel; Proceedings SPIE, vol. 2622, pp. 522-531, 1995.

Energy Transfer Processes in Y3Al5O12:Tm,Ho; V.A. French, R. R. Petrin, R.C. Powell; Physical Review B, vol. 46, pp. 8018-8026, 1992.

Laser-Induced Grating Measurements of Energy Migration in Tm,Ho:YAG; V.A. French, R.C. Powell; Optics Letters, vol. 16, pp. 666-668, 1991.

Refractive-Index Gratings in Rare-Earth-Doped Alkaline Earth Glasses; V.A. French, R.C. Powell, D.H. Blackburn, D.C. Cranmer; Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 69, pp. 913-917, 1991.

Contact Information
Jennifer Inlow, Chairperson

Department of Chemistry and Physics
600 Chestnut Street
Science Building, Room 035
Indiana State University
Terre Haute, IN 47809

Office: Science 035
Phone: 812-237-2239
Fax: 812-237-2232

Office: Science 165
Phone: 812-237-2239
Fax: 812-237-4396

Office Hours
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

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