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The Department has a number of documents that guides its operation. These documents are updated on a regular basis by the groups with primary responsibilities in the area; the Personnel/Policy Committee, for example, has primary responsibility for Policies and Procedures, the Department's major procedural document. All recommendations for change must be approved by the Department. The other Department documents are primarily curricular and are the responsibility of the appropriate committees.
Policies and Procedures
The responsibility of the Personnel/Policy Committee, Policies and Procedures contains the Bylaws that guide the operational work of the Department. It contains a broad spectrum of information—ranging from voting procedures to eligibility guidelines for committee membership, from chairperson review processes to promotion and tenure guidelines, from travel policies to classroom use policies.
Writing at Indiana State University
The responsibility of the Composition Committee, Writing at Indiana State University describes the writing program (including offerings that fulfill Foundational Studies requirements); it includes the principles that guide the program, as well as includes discussions of each composition course offered by the Department.
Creative Writing at Indiana State University
The responsibility of the Creative Writing Committee, Creative Writing at Indiana State University describes the the Creative Writing program (including courses required for the Creative Writing minor, as well as those that fulfill Foundational Studies requirements); it includes the principles that guide the Creative Writing program, as well as includes discussions of each Creative Writing course offered by the Department.
Undergraduate Studies in English at Indiana State University
Undergraduate Studies in English at ISU (USiE @ ISU) is the official document of the Department of English concerning the undergraduate programs in English at Indiana State University. This document contains descriptions, rationales, goals, and policies adopted by the Department of English on April 4th, 2022. The main purpose of the document is to define the general nature and scope of our department, programs, and courses, while leaving the specific planning and teaching of the courses to faculty members.
Graduate Studies in English at Indiana State University
The responsibility of the Graduate Committee, Graduate Studies in English at Indiana State University describes the graduate program in literature and writing (including courses required for concentrations in British and American Literature and in Writing); it includes the principles that guide the graduate program in English, as well as includes discussions of each graduate course offered by the Department.