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PA 601: Proseminar in Public Administration--3 hours. An analytical overview of public administration as a field of study and as a profession in the United States and other countries.
These three courses introduce students to core functions within the practice of public administration.
PA 605: Organizational Behavior in Public Agencies--3 hours. Conceptual and empirical analysis of organizational and personal relationships in public agencies. Professional socialization, interpersonal relationships, conflict management, and informal influence will be emphasized.
PA 606: Public Personnel Administration--3 hours. Analysis of managerial philosophies and techniques utilized in public and non-profit agencies. Topics covered will include manpower analysis, recruitment, affirmative action, and job analysis.
PA 607: Budgeting in Governmental Agencies--3 hours. Financial administration in public agencies, emphasizing budgetary techniques and political aspects of financial decision making. Budget preparation for state and local agencies will be emphasized.
PA 604: Research Methods in Public Administration--3 hours. Introduction to the graduate study of political science and its sub-fields, with attention to methodology, research design, and research methods.
PA 602: Statistical Analysis in Public Administration—3 hours. Builds on information from PA 604 (which should be taken prior to this course) by providing more in-depth instruction on the use different types of statistical testing to research topics in public administration.
PA 697 Public Administration Capstone--3 hours. This course will provide supervised research experience to M.P.A. students. Each class member will produce a major research paper and make a formal presentation in an open forum. This course is the culminating experience for the MPA program. For more information on the capstone course, click on the link below:
{Additional Information on Capstone Course}
PA 600: Seminar in American Government--3 hours. A comprehensive survey of major perspectives on American government in literature and research. Voting behavior, congressional-presidential relationships, the decision-making process and the public interest.
PA 695 Internship in Public Agency--3 hours. Note: This is only required if students are entering the program without substantial previous work experience. This course is designed to provide work experience in a public or not-for-profit organization under administrative and academic supervision. Only required of students without significant work experience in public or nonprofit management.