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You should start building your resume‚ the first semester of your freshman year. In addition to earning the best grade point average possible, you should plan to participate in one or more job-related internships during your college career. Also, you should consider adding community service (volunteer) activities to your resume, as well as campus leadership activities. Finally, you should make a point of getting to know at least three professors well, so they will be able to write positive letters of recommendation for you.
According to a recent survey, here are the major qualities that count with employers:
- Attitude
- Communication skills
- Previous work experience
- Score on tests administered as part of interview
- Academic performance
- Teacher recommendations
There are several major career option areas for Political Science majors:
- Government Operations
- Federal government
- State government
- Local government
- Foreign Affairs
- Foreign Service
- Intelligence
- Corporations and Financial Institutions with operations abroad
- Lobbying
- Trade Associations
- Corporations
- Public Interest Groups
- Unions
- Interest Groups
- Political Action Committees
- Business
- Political Science is an excellent liberal arts preparation for a career in the business world. It improves your communication skills, information management skills, design and planning skills, research and investigation skills, management and administration skills, and critical thinking skills.
During the first semester of your senior year, you should begin compiling a list of potential career contacts. First, register with the Career Center at Indiana State University. It has a wealth of materials on various careers, and it has many useful sessions on career planning. In addition, there are many very important job listings on Internet (e.g., Online Career Center, Job Openings in the Federal Government, Employment Opportunities and Job Resources on the Internet, etc.). See the appendix II of this handbook for Political Science Career Literature in the ISU library.
The Catalog of Indiana State University is the document of authority for all students. The requirements given in the catalog supersede information issued by any academic department, program, college, or school. The University reserves the right to change the requirements at any time.