Elizabeth (Liz) O'Laughlin Ph.D.

Liz O'Laughlin

Professor & Director of Clinical Training for the Psy.D. Program
Ph.D.  University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1993

Contact Informtion:
Email:  Liz.O'laughlin@indstate.edu
Office:  Root Hall, B-233
Phone:  (812) 237-2455

Classes Taught:

  • Psychology 663:  Ethics and Professional Issues
  • Psychology 664B:  Projective Assessment
  • Psychology 678:  Empirical Treatment for Child and Adolescent Behavior
  • Psychology 690I:  ADHD Workshop
  • Psychology 690J:  Seminar:  Psychological Sciences Seminar (1st year Seminar)
  • Psychology 696:  Clinical Practicum
  • Psychology 780:  Advanced Professional Development ​
  • Psychology 784:  Internship

Research Interests 

  1. Evaluation and treatment for ADHD in children
  2. Influence of parenting on child behavior ​
  3. Help seeking behavior/adherence to assessment recommendations


Lee, D., O'Laughlin, L., Smith, C., Tracy, C., (August, 2022).  Beliefs about ADHD:  Parents/Caregivers vs. College students.  Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Conference (August 4, 2022).

Christmas, J., O'Laughlin, L., Smith, C., Tracy, C. (August, 2022).  Peer Acceptance Among Children with ADHD, ODD and DMDD Symptoms.  Poster presented (virtually) athe the American Psychological Association Annual Conference (August 5, 2022).

Ward, S., Saunders, K., Christmas, J., & O'Laughlin, L. (August 2021).  Exploring the Association Between Parenting Practices and Child Emotional Control.  Poster presented (virtually) at the American psychological Association Annual Conference. (August 14, 2021; Virtual Conference)

Anastasiadis, W. & O'Laughlin, L. (August, 2021).  The Clinical Utility of the BRIEF-2 ERI scales in Differentiating Pediatric ADHD Comorbidity.  Poster presented (virtually) at the American Psychological Association Annual Conference.  (August 14, 2021; Virtual Conference)

O'Laughlin, L., Walter, S., & McCoon, J. (August, 2020).  Screening for Potential Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Among Children Referred for ADHD Evaluation.  Poster (virtually) presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Conference (virtual presentation).

Anastasiadis, W., Johnson, K., Ward, S., & O'Laughlin, L. (August 2020).  Predictors of Peer Impairment Across Informants for Children Diagnosed with ADHD and ADHD+ODD.  Poster presented at the American Psychological Association  Conference (virtual presentation).

Bazier, A., D'Amico, J., O'Laughlin, L. (2020).  Parent-child relationship factors moderate the relationship between ADHD symptoms and child social skills.  Accepted for presentation at APA Convention 2020, Virtual (not presented).

Weyand, C., O'Laughlin, L., & Bennett, P. (2013).  Dimensions of Religiousness That Influence Parenting.  Psychology of Religion And Spirituality, doi:10.1037/a0030627

Nobel, G., O'Laughlin, L., & Brubaker, B. (2012).  Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Sleep Disturbances:  Consideration of Familial Influences.  Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 10:1, 41-53.

Dean, P., O'Laughlin, L., Brubaker, B., Gay, N., & Krug, D. (2010).  Use of Eye Movement Tracking in the Differential Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Reading Disability.  Psychology, 1 (4), 238-246.  (Can be accessed online at:http://www.scirp.org/journal/psych/).

Dreyer, S.A., O'Laughlin, L., Moore, J., & Milam, Z. (2010).  Parental adherence to clinical recommendations in an ADHD evaluation clinic.  Journal of Clinical Psychology, 66(10), 1101-1120.

O'Laughlin, E. M., Hackenberg, J. L., & Riccardi, M. M. (2010).  Clinical Usefulness of the Oppositional Defiant Disorder Rating Scale (ODDRS).  Journal of Emotional & Behavioral Disorders, 18(4), 247-255.

McCandless, S., & O’Laughlin, E. (2007). The Clinical Utility of the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) in the Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of Attention Disorder.  10 (4), 381-389.

O'Laughlin, E., & Bischoff, L.G. (2004). Balancing Parenthood and Academia: Work/Family stress as influenced by gender and tenure status. Journal of Family Issues, 26, 79-106.

Department of Psychology