Kevin Bolinskey Ph.D.


Kevin Bolinskey, Ph.D.

Ph.D. University of Virginia, 2002

Contact Information:
Office:  Root Hall, B-214
Phone:  (812) 237-2463


Classes Taught:

  • Psychology 362:  Personality Theories
  • Psychology 421/521:  History and Systems in Psychology
  • Psychology 460:  Principles of Tests and Measurement
  • Psychology 666:  Personality Assessment
  • Psychology 680:  Research in Clinical Psychology
  • Psychology 690:  Memory Assessment​
  • Psychology 696:  Clinical Practicum

Research Interests

  1. Areas of premorbid indicators of adult psychopathology, specifically in the areas of personality and neurocognitive function.
  2. Areas of severe psychopathology and psychological assessment.



Friedman, A. F, Bolinskey, P. K., Levak, R. W., & Nichols, D. S. (2015). Psychological Assessment with the MMPI-2/MMPI-2-RF, 3rd ed. New York: Routledge. 700 pp.


Gonzalez, Y., Smith, E. A., Keane, J. E., Biermann, A. L., Keister, K. M.  Wiesepape, C. N., & Bolinskey, P. K. (2019). A comparison of MMPI-2-RF scores between White and African American college students. Archives of Assessment Psychology, 9(1), 87-112.

Bolinskey, P. K., Smith, E. A., Schuder, K. M., Cooper-Bolinskey, D., Myers, K. R., Hudak, D. V., James, A. V., Hunter, H. K.,  Novi, J. H., Guidi, J. P., Gonzalez, Y., McTiernan, E. F., Arnold, K. M., Iati, C. A., & Gottesman, I. I. (2017). Schizophrenia spectrum disorders in psychometrically identified schizotypes at 2-year follow-up. Psychiatry Research, 252, 289-295.  doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2017.03.014

Bolinskey, P. K., Guidi, J. P., Myers, K. R., Cooper-Bolinskey, D., Schuder, K. M., James, A. V., Hudak, D. V., Gonzalez, Y., McTiernan, E. F., & Smith, E. A.  (2016). The MMP-2-RF and college students: Do we remain stuck in a normative no-man’s land? Archives of Assessment Psychology, 6(1), 81-95.

Smith, E. A.,  Bolinskey, P. K., Guidi, J. P., Myers, K. R. , Schuder, K. M., James, A. V., Hudak, D. V., & Sheets, V. (2016) Further examination of the factor structure of the Chapman Psychosis Proneness Scales (CPPS). Psychiatry Research, 238, 257-263. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2016.02.057

Schuder, K. M., Gooding, D. C., Matts, C. W., & Bolinskey, P. K. (2016). Further evidence of the MMPI-2-RF’s ability to discriminate psychometrically-identified schizotypic college students from a matched comparison sample. Personality and Individual Differences, 94, 107-112. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2016.01.014

Bolinskey, P. K., James, A. V., Cooper-Bolinskey, D., Novi, J. H., Hunter, H. K., Hudak, D. V., Schuder, K. M., Myers, K. R., Iati, C. A., & Lenzenweger, M. F. (2015). Revisiting the blurry boundaries of schizophrenia: Spectrum disorders in psychometrically identified psychosis prone individuals. Psychiatry Research, 225(3), 335-340. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2014.12.015

Department of Psychology