Michael J Murphy Professional Development Scholarship

Department of Psychology

Indiana State University


The Michael J. Murphy Scholarship is available to graduate students in the Department of Psychology for the purposes of funding conference-related expenses.  The Department of Psychology recognizes the value of conference participation and learning from experts in the field and wants to afford graduate students the opportunity for such experiences. 


Students may request up to $200 for the purposes of conference attendance.  Students may only access travel funds once during their tenure in the graduate program.  Generally, awards will be limited to five students per academic year.


Qualifications for the scholarship include:

(1) Student must be currently enrolled in a graduate program in the Department of Psychology

(2) Student must be in good standing with their graduate program

(3) Student must be either (a) presenting at the conference for which travel funds are requested; or (b) attending the conference is considered particularly important and relevant to the student’s area of expertise, and similar professional development opportunities are not available locally.


The following materials should be submitted:

(1) One-page statement that includes: 

  • name of student
  • name and description of conference, including location and duration
  • rationale for conference attendance (e.g., presenting research)
  • explanation of how this furthers the student’s professional development
  • nature of funds request, including amount and purposes of funds

(2) Travel receipts should be submitted immediately following the conference for reimbursement.

Applications will be evaluated based on student’s role and significance to the project as well as anticipated expenses to be incurred.

All materials should be submitted to the Director of Clinical Training, Dr. Liz O’Laughlin.


Department of Psychology