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The handbook lays out how advising works in Social Studies Education as well as provide you with important information regarding the major and your place at ISU. The better prepared and informed you  are, the better your advisors can help guide you toward graduation. The time of both you and your advisors is limited; this handbook, along with resources such as MySam, is meant to make advising  meetings more efficient, and more importantly, help provide you the tools take responsibility for your academic career.

This handbook should be the start of your chronicle of your ISU education. MySam certainly provides one means of informing you of your past accomplishments and future needs, it nonetheless will be helpful to bring this notebook to future advising sessions. That way you will have a secure place to put questions you want to ask your advisor (and write down answers), map out potential schedules, and track your registration PIN each semester. Remember, you are the ultimate steward of your own education! 

MySam Instructions