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Janeece Warner



Janeece Warner
screen printing and acrylic paint on paper
20in x 26in















Janeece Warner
colored chalk pastels on paper
20in x 26in











Janeece Warner
colored chalk pastels on paper
20in x 26in








For the senior student exhibition, I've decided to put in three pieces that I thought personally would be great to display.  During my junior year, I asked myself, what exactly do I want to show viewers and in what ways can I express the mood or feeling of each piece?  That is when I finally knew what theme I wanted to show through these art pieces.  Word context--that is the theme used here in these pieces and other pieces I created.  Humans such as us use text and images to communicate our thoughts and feelings towards one another on an everday basis.  I want viewers to see that whether through writing or speaking terms, words, which could mean, said, or wrote in a variety of ways, are very powerful and should be looked at close when they are used.

Janeece Warner will be graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art with a 2D concentration.