Dr. Dale G. Findley Professional Development Award

Dr. Findley established the award in 2002 on the occasion of his retirement after 35 years of dedicated and caring service to Indiana State University, his profession and the department of Educational Leadership, Administration and Foundations. Both students and faculty will benefit from his gift directed toward enhancing life-long learning. Dr. Findley hopes the award will serve to promote and encourage best practices among school administrators. Selection will be made by a committee appointed by the chair of the department.




2023 Allison Makowski
2021 Tiffany Barrett
2018 Polina Kaniuka
2016 May Alqahtani

Dustin Jorgensen

Allyson Wegner

2014 Young Ki Kim
2013 Valerie Holmes

Todd Bess

Linnete Smith


Bonnie Stephens

Clinton Whitson


Jan M. Baker

Travis A. Heavin

2005 Nancy Holsapple
2004 Tamara R. Skinner