D.E.I. in the Workplace

D.E.I. in the Workplace

Event Type



Hulman Memorial Student Union 550 Chestnut St, Terre Haute, Indiana 47809, United States




(812) 237-2586


The Career Center has put together an employer panel discussion on D.E.I. in the Workplace and we would appreciate your support in promoting it to your students, faculty, and staff. Please see the attached flyer.

Event: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace

Check-in: 5:00 pm EST

Date: October 12th, 2021

Time: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm EST

Where: Indiana State University - HMSU - Dede I

We are excited to offer you this opportunity to engage with employers who recruit at Indiana State University. We are inviting you to engage with our employer panel about diversity, equity, and inclusion awareness in the workplace. We are excited about the great work they do. As part of the strategic plan for Indiana State University, we would like to provide more robust, and inclusive opportunities to our students, and show the value of our current recruiters, who use these ideals in their current workplace environments. A goal of this event is for our students to walk away from this event with more knowledge about how to be culturally competent in their professions. Equity, inclusion, and diversity are staples for career readiness. I hope you will consider being a part of this conversation and be a part of this exciting event. Registration for students is highly encouraged but not required to attend.

Students, please register for the event on Handshake - https://indstate.joinhandshake.com/events/782406/share_preview