Disability Awareness Month 2021: #RepresentationMatters
Disability Awareness Month 2021: #RepresentationMatters
Event Type
(812) 237-8513
Join us for our month of interesting conversations centered around our diverse disabled communities. Each March, Disability Awareness Month is celebrated throughout Indiana. Given that adults and children with disabilities represent slightly more than 19 percent of Indiana's population, disability awareness is important for all of us. Persons with disabilities are sometimes turned into objects of ridicule. But rather than being the butt of a joke, each individual in our campaign uses humor to open a conversation and highlight ways in which we can all understand each other better. There are 54 million Americans with disabilities. Adults and children with disabilities represent nearly a fifth of Indiana's population. There's nothing funny about the ignorance and naivety that often keep us from connecting with our fellow Hoosiers.
#RepresentationMatters: Authentic Disability Cultural Representation Panel Moderator: Amber OHaver, Executive Director, Indiana Statewide Independent Living Council (INSILC) Register: https://indstate-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJArd-ysqDoiGNN_IOlS4KsKuzRlKC_7TWPa This workshop will offer a panel of individuals with disabilities with intersecting marginalized identities engaging in interactive discussion providing context about how disability is typically portrayed and seen (as white, male and cisgender) and how this reinforces stereotypes and perpetuates the stigma surrounding the disabled body and the lived experience of individuals with disabilities with multiple, marginalized identities. We will examine how this portrayal fits into the general #RepresentationMatters movement and discuss the significance and need to increase the meaningful inclusion/participation of multiply marginalized individuals with disabilities in the media, in policy making, etc. and what that representation means to the disability community. To generate an even deeper level of understanding of #RepresentationMatters, the workshop panel will illustrate authentic inclusive concepts related to disability and will focus on the critical importance of sustaining and growing the trend of authentic disability representation by ensuring the inclusion of all types of disabilities, particularly as experienced by those who have multiple intersecting identities.
If you have questions, please contact Elonda Ervin at elonda.ervin@indstate.edu Planning Committee: Oyibo Afoaku, Indiana State University Peter Ciancone, The WILL Center Elonda Ervin, Indiana State University Jamie Frey, Ivy Tech Community College Molly Hare, Indiana State University Marlene Lu, ARC of Indiana Ian McNeil, Terre Haute South Vigo High School Traci McNeil, Ivy Tech School of Nursing Amber O\'Haver, Indiana Statewide Independent Living Council (INSILC) Breanna Pierce, Indiana State University Martha Reed, Indiana State University