LEAP Indiana offers informal faculty forums—teaching languages

LEAP Indiana offers informal faculty forums—teaching languages

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(812) 237-2688


LEAP Indiana Informal Faculty Forums LEAP Indiana is offering informal Faculty Forums this summer and fall. The Zoom sessions will enable faculty to connect with others in related disciplines and across the state to discuss ideas and get support surrounding space and instructional responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic. In these sessions, faculty will have like-minded colleagues with whom they can share how they are dealing with the changes and what they have found to be successful. Each session will have a facilitator and pre-registration will be encouraged. Here is the registration link: https://indstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_daOJblLyfD64Skl Languages Learning another language is challenging in hybrid and online environments because faculty need to think about best practices for allowing student expression of words, phrases, and dialogue in campus environments where space may be limited or social distancing is in effect. Facilitator: Julia Baumgardt, Marian University Thursday, July 23 at 2:30 p.m. Zoom link: https://indstate-edu.zoom.us/j/98232683979?pwd=RUVuRXVFaHA0bll2NDRiSEZnVWlCQT09 Meeting ID: 982 3268 3979 Password: 793210