Dr. Michael Thompson

Dr. Michael Thompson
Biology, Department of
Arts and Sciences, College of
287F Science Building
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  • Ph.D. - Biochemistry, University of Kentucky - 2000
  • B.S. - Zoology and Chemistry (Biotechnology), University of Louisville - 1993

Teaching Interests

  • Anatomy, Physiology, Pathophysiology, Genetics, Biology, Human Genetics, Biotechnology

Intellectual Contributions

  • Asparagine362 is essential for zinc binding and catalysis in the peptidase reaction of Saccharomyces cerevisiae leukotriene A₄ hydrolase. - Biochimica et biophysica acta - 2010
  • Plasminogen substrate recognition by the streptokinase-plasminogen catalytic complex is facilitated by Arg253, Lys256, and Lys257 in the streptokinase beta-domain and kringle 5 of the substrate. - The Journal of biological chemistry - 2009
  • Arginyl aminopeptidase-like 1 (RNPEPL1) is an alternatively processed aminopeptidase with specificity for methionine, glutamine, and citrulline residues. - Protein and peptide letters - 2009
  • Apolactoferrin inhibits the catalytic domain of matrix metalloproteinase-2 by zinc chelation. - Biochemistry and cell biology = Biochimie et biologie cellulaire - 2007
  • A conserved tyrosine residue of Saccharomyces cerevisiae leukotriene A4 hydrolase stabilizes the transition state of the peptidase activity. - Peptides - 2006

Research Interests

  • Biochemistry and regulation of inflammation, metalloproteinase biochemistry, blood coagulation, metal carrier proteins