Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who is my advisor?
The Department Administrative Assistant can provide you with your advisor’s name. The name of your advisor is also listed on MySAM.
2. What are a certain instructor’s office hours?
Professors’ office hours are posted on their office doors.
3. Where is their office?
Direct student to the office.
4. Can I get my PIN?
Your advisor has your pin. If you have Junior status, you don’t need a PIN.
5. How do I change or declare my major?
6. When is the last day to drop/add?
Contact the Registrar’s Office.
7. Where do I get a drop/add form?
Check with Department Admini
8. Where do I turn in my shot records?
The Office of Records and Registration
9. Is this class going to be offered next semester?
Check the Dynamic Schedule.
12. Can I get into AHS 240?
If you meet the Foundational Studies Math Requirements. This course is offered in the following terms, Fall, Spring and Summer.
13. Can I get into AHS 111?
Only if a class is not full. This course is offered in the following terms, Fall, Spring and Summer.
14. Can I get a copy of my MySAM?
Yes. Your advisor can get it for you. Be sure to have your ID ready.