Faculty Members: Role in SI
The Faculty Member’s Role in Supplemental Instruction (SI):
1. Ensure that the SI is integrated into the course such that he/she is viewed as a viable resource for students to use. This is achieved in the following ways:
a. Describe the role and function of the SI in the course syllabus including expectations/parameters associated with attendance at SI sessions.
b. Allow the SI to introduce himself/herself to the members of the class at the first few class sessions (since some students add the class after the first session) and offer a summary of their role for the semester.
c. Give the SI access to the class Blackboard site and email roster. Access to other student data such as grades should not be given to the SI as per the requirements of FERPA.
d. Enable the SI to periodically make brief announcements about SI sessions and as appropriate, to speak in class as it may reinforce their contributory value to particular content.
2. As frequently as possible, remind the class that SI sessions are available to all students enrolled in your section, free of charge.
3. Facilitate student use of supplemental instruction. This is achieved by making it an expectation of the course, particularly for students who show evidence of struggle or underperformance.
4. Maintain an open line of communication with the SI in order to help them focus on course materials, concepts, procedures, or methods of instruction. We ask that you meet with your SI at least three times over the term to discuss how the SI sessions are going, obtain insights on how students appear to be doing in the course, and sharpening how the SI sessions support student success in the class.
5. Feel free to contact the Supplemental Instruction Coordinator (Kelsey Gmelich) at any time, especially if you are dissatisfied with the SI’s performance of duties.
Remember, the function of the SI is to hold out-of-class review sessions in which students compare notes, discuss readings, develop organizational tools, and predict test items. SIs do NOT hold class or grade papers. Their attendance in class is to take notes for study sessions, acting as a model student. They may participate in class discussions, if desired, and can hand out papers. SIs are not teaching assistants, lecturers, or graders.
6. Instructors will be asked to verify the SIs attendance in class.
7. SIs must complete the Center for Student Success’ mandatory training before the semester begins, in order to be eligible to work.
8. Faculty may check attendance of their SI's sessions online. Instructions on this are provided in the award process and are available from the SI Coordinator.
9. The expected minimum attendance at SI sessions per month is 24 student visits. Underutilization of SIs will result in loss of future placements.
Phone: 812-237-2700
Office Hours:
8.00 AM - 4.30 PM
Indiana State University
Normal Hall - First Floor