National Pan-Hellenic Council

NPHC Logo for Indiana State

The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) at Indiana State University is composed of 6 international historically African-American fraternities and sororities. The National Pan-Hellenic Council headquarters serves the purpose to "foster cooperative actions of its members in dealing with matters of mutual concern. To this end, the NPHC promotes the well-being of its affiliate fraternities and sororities, facilities the establishment and development of local councils of the NPHC and provides leadership training for its constituents." 

National Pan-Hellenic Council on Facebook (@ISUNPHC), Twitter (@ISUNPHC), and Instagram (@nphc.isu)

NPHC Chapters at Indiana State University

Organization National Website Chapter Instagram Chapter Twitter
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. @epsilonxi_aka @epsilonxi_aka
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. @isu_alphas1969 @ZP1969
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. @zetanu_isu @zetanu_isu
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. @aznupes @AlphaZetaNupes
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. @killachisigmaques @ChiSigmaQues
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. @isu_sgrho @BetaBetaPoodles

NPHC Members

Interested in Joining an NPHC Chapter?

The NPHC member organizations host their own membership intake events when approved throughout the academic year. Individuals interested in learning more about the NPHC chapters are encouraged to attend events hosted by the organizations, serve their communities, and succeed in the classroom while they explore opportunities for membership. Should a chapter be hosting a membership intake process during the semester, they will post formal rush / formal informational flyers around campus (or in some cases on social media) for interested members to get more information. 

National Pan-Hellenic Council Executive Board

2023-2024 NPHC Exec Board