Her Color Shines
Land Acknowledgement Statement
We want to acknowledge that we gather in the traditional land of the Delaware, Kickapoo, Miami, Mound Builders, Piankashaw, Potawatomi, Shawnee, and Wea. The Wea were a Miami-Illinois originally located in western Indiana. They were part of the larger Illinois Confederation. Peoples past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations. This calls us to commit to continuing to learn how to be better stewards of the land we inhabit as well.
» Learn more about the history of the land that Terre Haute is on.
» Learn more about the Wea Indian Tribe.
7th Annual Her Color Shines Awards
April 23, 2022
University Hall Auditorium
Red carpet 5:30-6pm
Program start time 6-7pm
2021 Photo Gallery
2021 Program Recording - COMING SOON!
This event was created to acknowledge and award young women of color (faculty, staff, and student) at Indiana State University for their exceptional leadership, academic performance, and resilience. We will acknowledge the phenomenal accomplishments of our women of color. This will be our chance to let our light shine.
This event has been in the making for the past year. It is our attempt to create an event that will truly be remarkable and memorable.
As stated, the event will begin with an actual red carpet walk between 5:30-6pm. The program will begin promptly at 6pm. Our colors for the evening are black, white, and cream. If you do not have those colors, please wear whatever you have in your closet. Just remember, this is a red carpet event; so no jeans!
If you have any questions, email Her Color Shines at ISU-HerColorhines@indstate.edu
2021 Her Color Shines Awardees
Savvy Adebisi Hamzat Savvy Kayona Ware Savvy Lupita Martinez
Galvanize Rachael Mboga Galvanize Sarnaya Morland Galvanize Yujin Bae-Oliver
Galvanize Anjara Rafidison Galvanize Alivia Williams
Fierce Ryann Porter
Virtuoso African-American Trinity Cunningham
Resilient Lakesha Fillmore Resilient Elizabeth Nabadda-Metz Resilient Harivola Rafidison
Resilient Sana Ebrahimi Resilient Pooja Sharma
Perseverance Jhansi Chagalakonda Perseverance Naureen Aslam Perseverance International Soumya Mary Kurian
Perseverance Sukanya Musib
2020 Longevity Award
Dr. Lynn Foster Dr. Mary Howard-Hamilton Tamara McCollough Dr. Myung-ah Lee
2021 Longevity Award
Gloria Ighile Valerie Craig Tradara Mclaurine Yanli Newport
Prof. Azizi Arrington-Slocum Dr. Katerine Lee Dr, Jennifer Grimes
Award Categories
Savvy Award
The freshmen and sophomore recipients of the Savvy Award have displayed this discernment and practical knowledge throughout their academic career at Indiana State.
Resilient Award
Awarded to a graduate student, the recipient represents qualities of a tenacious and active student leader. The recipients have made profound contributions to the University and her community while in pursuit of her degree.
Galvanize Award
These exceptional young women (juniors and seniors) have exhibited outstanding motivation and leadership across campus.
Virtuoso Award
This remarkable individual is a Fine Arts major. We celebrate her academic achievements as well as her outstanding artistic abilities.
Fierce Award
This award distinguishes a young lady that excels academically while achieving great strides as a student athlete.
Perservance Award
The winner of this award is a doctoral student. As a doctoral student, overcoming adversity has been one of her strongest skills. This strong woman promotes excellence and commitment in everything she does.
Longevity Award
It recognizes those that have given much to this institution for 7(seven) or more years. We felt that recognizing faculty, staff and administrators for their faith and endurance was worthy of being praised. Longevity Awardees are positive role models for our students and community, the recipients have shown strength, dedication and service to Indiana State University.
Endearing Spirit (Administration, Faculty, Staff, Student, Community, and Alumni)
This award is selected by the Committee. Endearing spirit is one that is selfless. This happens when you think less about yourself, and more about others. You're generous and kind. Being an Endearing Spirit is similar to being altruistic — another word for giving to others without looking for personal gain. This person gives time, money, or things to other people without expecting anything in return. The Enduring Spirit Award recognizes the lifetime achievements of the recipient through their commitment of time, energy, and the giving of themselves to ensure the success of others. The issues they champion are varied and include: education, youth and family, holistical health (mind, body, and spirit), continuation and retention of culture, and economic empowerment to name a few.
2021 Women of Promise Committee
Elonda Ervin Elonda.ervin@indstate.edu
Martha Reed Martha.Reed@indstate.edu
Azizi Arrington-Slocum Azizi.Arrington-Slocum@indstate.edu
Venita Stallings Venita.Stallings@indstate.edu
Hope Williams Hope.Williams@indstate.edu
If you have any questions, please email to Her Color Shines at ISU-HerColorShines@indstate.edu
Hulman Memorial Student Union
7th Floor
Indiana State University
Terre Haute, IN 47809
Phone: 812-237-2877
Fax: 812-237-8774
Office Hours
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Resource Center Hours
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM