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Natalee Link

Basil the Bat by Natalee Link
Basil the Bat
Digital Animation
November 2019
1920 x 1080
Into the Light by Natalee Link
Into the Light
Digital Animation
October 2019
1920 x1080
When You're Away by Natalee Link

When You're Away
Digital Animation
April 2019
1920 x 1080


Please click on the images above to watch each animation. If clicking on the videos above is not allowing the videos to work for you, please click here to access the Department's YouTube channel with all these videos linked.

Everyone has seen that one Pixar movie that made them laugh, smile, or even cry.  That is what I am recreating through my works.  The characters I've created in my animations have stories, or lessons to tell people.  My works reach out and connect with people on an emotional level as they start to see themselves as the character in my stories.  That moment I've created between the viewer and what I've created is so intimate that I don't need them to tell me how they've felt about what I've made.  Just seeing them laugh, cry, or even crack a smile at my work is enough for me to know I've done my job.

Natalee Link will be graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art with an Intermedia concentration.