About:ELEMENTAL | Apr. 29- May. 10, 2024
Students in ARTP 170: Introduction to Visual Art created collaborative site-specific earth artworks as their final creative project. Drawing inspiration from artists like Richard Long and Andy Goldsworthy, the students worked together in groups to identify the sites and materials they wanted to use and develop design ideas based on the exhibition title, Elemental. Once the designs were agreed on the groups headed outdoors to create their artworks with only the natural materials that were readily available. The posters in the exhibition represent the students’ documentation of that process as well as their project statements.
About:LARGER THAN LIFE SIZE: An Exhibition of Monstrous Masks and More... | Mar. 25- Apr. 12, 2024
Alexus Kelley, Phoenix Kelley, and AJ Orman are the Creatures Of The Night Studios.
About:DIVINE JOURNEY- Dante’s Divine Comedy | Feb. 5 - Mar. 1, 2024 In tandem with Roberto Márquez’s show, 'Commedia' in The Yang University Art Gallery, is the 'Divine Journey' in the Bare-Montgomery Gallery. Here you will discover framed woodcut prints on letterpress paper from the 1400s accompanied by an interactive prompt to create and display your own contemporary illustrations inspired by Dante's 'Divine Comedy.' This is a great opportunity to travel through Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise) and see how past and present visuals converge to narrate this epic poem.
About:The Printmaking Student Exhibition | Nov. 16- Dec. 15, 2023
The Printmaking Student Exhibition features a range of print techniques and styles by Art and Design students at ISU who are currently taking the following classes: Serigraphy, Intro, Intermediate, and Advanced.
About:The Haunting of Bare-Montgomery | Oct. 17- Nov. 3, 2023 The Haunting of Bare-Montgomery
This is the third annual exhibition of The Haunting of Bare-Montgomery. This Halloween show features artwork created by ISU students, faculty, and staff. This exhibition showcases two collaborative projects: “Exquisite Corpses” by the Art + Joy Lab, and painted pumpkins by ISU’s Art Club members. At the reception there will be free candy and hot beverages and spooky activities such as painting and decorating mini pumpkins and gourds. Costumes are highly encouraged!
About: 13 WAYS OF LOOKING AT A RED CHAIR | Sept. 18 - Oct. 6, 2023 13 WAYS OF LOOKING AT A RED CHAIR In 1917, Wallace Stevens wrote his important poem, 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird. Influenced by Cubism and Imagism, Stevens looks at his subject from multiple points of view. The resulting series of cantos portray not just one but many blackbirds in situations ranging from observational to abstract and metaphysical.
Inspired by Stevens’ poem, students in the Intermediate and Advanced Painting classes have created the works in this exhibition using a single red chair as their subject. Together, the paintings – like Stevens’ poem – suggest the passing of time and shifting points of view. As viewers, we are asked to enlarge our notion of what a chair is and does through the multiplicity of approaches.
The titles are influenced by the imaginative leaps and lyrical phrasing of Stevens’ poem, and inspired by the thoughts, feelings, and ideas generated in the painting process.
About: You Are Here | Apr. 26 - May 5, 2023 You Are Here is an exhibition that features the artwork of students in the Spring 2023 ARTP 170 class. In this show students used a variety of mediums to create their own personalized artistic map of ISU's campus.
About: Graphic Design Exhibition | Apr. 4 - 14, 2023
The Graphic Design Exhibition features graphic design works by ISU students from the Department of Art and Design.
About: Sculpture Exhibition | Mar. 13- 24, 2023
The Sculpture Exhibition showcases 3D artworks fabricated in a range of materials which have been created by ISU students from the Department of Art and Design.
About: Public Blackness III | Friday, February 17, 3-4pm Public Blackness is an exhibition that spans all three of the Art Galleries at Indiana State University. The aim is to create greater awareness of the on-going and often unresolved local and national racial issues. The show is designed to provide a safe platform where ISU students and the broader community can learn, engage, and be inspired to take positive action to help heal and transform outdated and unconscious biases. Public Blackness demonstrates how the Black body in a racially divided society gradually disappears from our understanding of what it means to be a human. What transpires when the Black body is captured in our gaze—a gaze that has been trained to only view it as a problem everywhere it exists? What happens when the myths from our past—which were frequently used to justify its destruction—become ingrained in our imagination of its existence today? One should leave the exhibition knowing a bit more about what makes the Black body vulnerable to the violence it still endures today.
About: POP-UP Grad Exhibition | Jan. 16- 27, 2023
Are you wondering what our amazing Graduate Students are working on? Here is your chance to get a sneak peak of their work in this POP-UP Grad Exhibition.
About: Photography Exhibition | Dec. 1- 9, 2022
This exhibition is showcasing artwork made by photography students from this semester. Pieces from the ARTS 335 class feature examples of assignments ranging from darkroom to digital photography. Pieces from the 336/435/400E classes feature examples of the students' semester portfolio work.
About: Ceramics Exhibition | Nov. 7- 18, 2022
Featuring students work from the Ceramics Department.
About: The Hunting of Bare-Montgomery | Oct. 17 - 31, 2022
Featuring spooky Fall themed artwork from students and faculty.
About: Sept 30 - Oct 6, 2022 Manu Propria is a pop-up exhibition featuring current work from this semester's students in ARTS 215 and 316.
Charcoal and chalk on toned paper Image Info: Paradise of Perdition by Jenna Whalin