Alumni Mentor
Criminology & Criminal Justice

Mateja VukAlumnus Earns Ph.D. and Becomes Assistant Professor of Criminology

Mateja Vuk, alumnus of the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice’s Master of Science program, graduated with her Ph.D. in criminology and criminal justice from the University of South Carolina in the spring of 2017. Our own Dr. Frank Wilson served as an external committee member for her dissertation entitled Inmate Time Utilization and Well-Being. In August of 2017, Dr. Vuk became an Assistant Professor at the University of West Georgia's Department of Criminology. Prior to her Ph.D., Dr. Vuk earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in social pedagogy (behavioral disorders) from the University of Zagreb in 2008 and a Master of Arts degree in 2010. In 2013, she obtained her Master of Science degree in criminology and criminal justice from Indiana State University. Recently she has published in noted journals such as Deviant Behavior and the American Journal of Criminal Justice.