Clery Act

Campus Security Authortities (CSA)

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (the "Clery Act"), requires colleges and universities to compile and publish statistics on certain criminal offenses that occur on or adjacent to university properties. The Clery Act requires certain crimes reported to a Campus Security Authority (CSA) be included in those annual statistics. Therefore, CSA's must be identified and trained in their reporting responsibilities. Not properly identifying and training these individuals can cause the university to suffer significant fines and jeopardize Title IV funding.

Below are training documents for Campus Security Authorities:

Campus Security Authority (CSA) Crime/Incident Form

When utilizing this form serveral points need to be emphasized:

  • This form is intended for the gathering of information regarding reported Clery crimes only.  It is in no way meant to replace a police report.  If you are advised that a crime occurred in one of the areas listed on the form you should first ask the person if the crime was reported to the police.  If it has, you need not take further action.  This form should only be completed if the incident has not been reported to a law enforcement agency. 
  • Attempt to be as specific as possible when reporting the date, time and location of the crime.  This is necessary to reduce the possibility of “double reporting” crimes which may be reported to us from multiple sources.
  • With regard to the location of the crime, we are not only required to gather information  or incidents that occur on campus and in residence halls, non-campus and off campus facilities controlled by the University, such as Greek houses, and public property adjoining the campus.  This would include public streets and sidewalks that border the campus.
  • Types of crimes to be reported – only the more serious crimes need to be reported under the Clery Act, these are listed on the form.  If you have any doubt that the incident fits under one of the crimes listed, briefly explain what happened in the narrative space provided and send the form to Public Safety.
  • Please complete the section pertaining to “hate crimes”.  For purposes of the Clery Act, a hate crime would be committed when the motive for any of the crimes listed on the form was the victim’s race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity or disability.  It is important to point out that the victim need not actually be a member of one of these groups.  The event would still be considered a hate crime if the offender believed the victim was a member of a protected class.
  • There is a space provided for the victim to give his/her name and telephone number although this is not required.  Under the Clery Act you should report Clery crimes even if they are provided anonymously.  In addition, we must also include hearsay information in our statistics.  If you are given information by a student about a crime that occurred to his/her roommate, for example, we must include it.
  • One of the attached forms should be submitted for each incident you report.  All completed forms should be mailed to Aaron Sloan.  I will compile the information and report it as required.  Please feel free to make as many copies of the blank form as you feel you might need.

Campus Security Authority (CSA) Crime/Incident Form

The Clery Act-Campus Security Authority Guide

Clery Crime Definitions

Clery Geography Definitions

Clery Training Video

Campus Security Authority (CSA) Training Presentation

Chapter 4 of The Campus Safety and Security Reporting Handbook; Collecting Statistics: Campus Security Authorities and Law Enforcement Agencies