Goal 2 - Strategy 1
Sustain a dynamic culture of high-quality, high-value academic programs, pedagogy, and timely assessment
SURE Program
At Indiana State University, multiple opportunities are available to undergraduate and graduate students to conduct hands-on research with faculty. The Summer Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE) Program is one example of the university’s commitment to experiential learning.
SURE is a competitive program open to all Indiana State undergraduates interested in pursuing research in the natural sciences and mathematics. SURE students spend ten weeks during the summer actively engaged in research under the direction of a faculty member. Full-time and half-time stipends eliminate or reduce the need for participating students to seek outside employment and improves their ability to focus intensively on the research.
In addition to hands-on research, SURE students and their faculty advisors participate in a Friday seminar series designed to help students develop both as a scientist and a professional. Students present their work at the SURE Research Symposium held at the end of the 10-week experience. Additional opportunities are available for students to continue their research and present the results at regional and national symposia, including the annual National Conference on Undergraduate Research.
The SURE program and other opportunities for student research and creativity are supported through the Center for Student Research and Creativity.
Faculty Center for Teaching Excellence and Other Professional Development Opportunities for Faculty
The Master Teacher Program is an 18-month experience for faculty who desire to enhance their teaching skills. Faculty complete learning modules based on a variety of topics related to the teaching-learning process. Participants also engage in investigation and discussion of current topics and studies related to teaching excellence in higher education. The culmination of the program requires the creation of a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) research project that is publically shared through publication and/or presentation. Each cohort of Master Teacher Program participants contributes to the culture of teaching excellence and classroom professionalism at Indiana State.
To read more about the Master Teacher Program, click here.
Corporate Partnerships
Indiana State University is one of six institutions to receive a $500,000 commitment from FedEx Corporation to participate in the organization’s $2.5 million Purple Runway Aviation Scholarship program. The five-year program will provide scholarship funds for aviation students. By joining forces with FedEx, Indiana State will play a significant role in addressing the nation’s current shortage of licensed pilots.
To read more about the Indiana State-FedEx partnership, click here.