Winter Slips and Falls

The winter snow and ice season brings with it a fair number of slips and falls. It is important for everyone to be constantly aware of these dangers and learn to walk safely on ice and slippery surfaces.

It is recommended to keep these important safety tips in mind:

  • Most slipping incidents occur on snow, ice, or wet surfaces near building entrances, on steps or ramps, and in parking lots. Be extra cautious in these areas.
  • Walking on snow or ice is especially treacherous and wearing proper footwear is essential. A pair of well insulated boots with good rubber treads is a must for walking during or after a winter storm. Dress shoes and high heels will not provide adequate traction on ice and snow.
  • Walk on cleared or sanded walkways and be cautious of fresh snow over pre-existing ice.
  • Use existing walkways and handrails where available; avoid "blazing your own trail" to save walking a few extra feet to your destination.
  • Never run on snow or ice. Instead, take short shuffling steps and walk at a slower pace so you can react quickly to a change in traction.
  • Be aware that approaching vehicles may not be able to stop at crosswalks or traffic signals.
  • Never hop down out of a vehicle onto snow or ice.
  • Keep your hands out of your pockets so you can catch yourself in case you slip and fall.
  • Carry only those items that are necessary. Heavy or bulky items can cause you to lose your balance. Having your hands full prevents you from catching yourself in a fall.
  • Be on the lookout for falling snow or ice when walking near buildings and other structures. Large icicles can fall silently and can be deadly.
  • At night, wear bright clothing or reflective gear as dark clothing will make it difficult for motorists to see you.
  • During the daytime, wear sunglasses to help you see better and avoid hazards.