OLLI Wednesday Presentation- A Tour of the Orchestra – The Music Behind Peter & the Wolf

OLLI Wednesday Presentation- A Tour of the Orchestra – The Music Behind Peter & the Wolf

Event Type



Chestnut Building Room 107




(812) 237-2336


A Tour of the Orchestra – The Music Behind Peter & the Wolf
With Jennifer Kirby, THSO English Horn

Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Time: 1:30 - 3 p.m.
Place: ISU, Chestnut Building Room 107
Cost: Free

In 1936, Sergei Prokofiev wrote a magical symphonic fairy tale for children complete with a narrator and a colorful orchestra to illustrate the characters throughout the story. Join Dr. Jennifer Kirby as she walks the audience through the tale of Peter and the Wolf and introduces the instrumental themes that demonstrate each character including Peter, the Wolf, a spritely bird, a mischievous cat, a friendly duck, Peter’s stern grandfather, and the hunters that save them all.