Roses for Rosa : Transit Equity in Terre Haute

Roses for Rosa : Transit Equity in Terre Haute

Event Type



750 Cherry St. (Bus Transfer Center), TH, IN. 47809




(812) 237-3811


The Charles E. Brown African American Cultural Center in collaboration with Terre City Transit, the ISU Chapter of the NAACP, The Epsilon Xi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., and The Greater T.H. NAACP Environmental Climate Justice Committee, will honor the memory of Civil Rights Activist, Rosa Parks for Women\'s History Month on Tuesday, March 14th. Rosa Parks' name is forever linked to the equity in & reliability of public transportation throughout this country. On the 14th, from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. there will be a reserved bench, decorated in her honor, on the Campus City Bus. We are asking that you come by the AACC (301 N. 8th st.), pick up a Rose, get on the bus at the transit station, & place it on her seat. A table will be set up in the lounge area of the AACC with flowers, handouts relevant to the TH bus system, facts about Rosa, and the importance of reliable, affordable transportation in this country. Finally, we ask all participants to consider going live on social media as you place your rose, to invite others to "Get On The Bus"!