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OLLI Membership Information

Membership Fees

Full Year: $25

Summer Term Only: $10

On-line Membership Registration



The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Indiana State University does not share, sell, or rent its mailing lists. In addition, by becoming an OLLI member,  you grant the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute permission to use your likeness in photograph, video, or other digital media in any and all of its publications, including web-based publications, without payment or other consideration.


Registrations can be taken online, through the mail, or over the phone, though online registration is the most efficient way to register and the preferred method of registration. Registrations are non-transferable, and there will be no day-of or walk-in registrations accepted.  Those who present themselves at a course or event without registration will not be permitted to attend.

Program Cancellation/Refund

In the event a program is canceled due to weather or other circumstances beyond the Institute’s control, members will be notified by email and/or phone of the cancellation. If Indiana State University is closed or cancelled for any reason, OLLI at ISU programs will also be cancelled. Check local television and radio stations for notices of university closure. Cancelled programs may be rescheduled, and if so, those members enrolled in those programs may choose to either attend on the rescheduled date or receive a full refund. If the program is not rescheduled, members will receive a full refund. Members who cancel a program registration will only receive a full refund if the following criteria are met: cancellation is received in the OLLI office 15 business days prior to the first meeting of any Course or Osher Online Course, cancellation is received in the OLLI office 30 business days prior to the event for a Special Event and/or 30 business days prior to the departure date for all day trips and overnight trips.

Program Accessibility

OLLI at ISU tries to accommodate persons with disabilities; however, several programs are off the Indiana State University campus and are out of the control of OLLI or ISU. Please call the OLLI office at (812) 237-2336 to discuss your needs.







OLLI Programs
Indiana State University
Tirey Hall, Room 133A


(812 ) 237-9040
