Assessment at ISU
This site contains information for ISU faculty, staff, students, and visitors to better understand our assessment philosophy, leadership, process, results, and actions for improvement. The helpful links to the right provide additional information about our events, resources, and tools and templates for faculty conducting assessment. If there is a resource missing you would like to see added, just let us know!
Faculty and staff will find important guidelines for planning and reporting under the "Assessment Cycle & Planning" link on the right, as well as useful resources under the "Assessment Resources" link.
A Commitment to Continuous Improvement
Assessment is a collaborative process through which we devise means to understand and then to improve student learning and achieve other program/unit objectives. Because Indiana State University recognizes that learning occurs throughout the curriculum and co-curriculum, it established an Assessment Council comprising representatives from each vice-presidential area. The Council conducts its activities in recognition of the faculty responsibility for student learning and in a context of shared governance. The Council also works with non‐academic areas to ensure that unit assessment is performed on a periodic basis and results in continuous improvement. Its plan to ensure the systematic, ongoing assessment of learning outcomes in both academic and non-academic programs is consistent with the Higher Learning Commission's standard that
The institution demonstrates responsibility for the quality of its educational programs, learning environments, and support services, and it evaluates their effectiveness for student learning through processes designed to promote continuous improvement. (Criterion Four, Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement)
At ISU, the purposes of assessment include, but are not limited to, the following:
- To increase student achievement in both curricular and co-curricular areas.
- To ensure the integrity of awarded degrees.
- To evaluate and document the competence of graduates of Indiana State University.
- To focus the institutional mission on the level and quality of student achievement.
- To improve instruction, curriculum, and other teaching‐related activities.
- To improve service, effectiveness, and other operational activities.
- To promote faculty and staff development.
- To improve programs, program planning, and development.
- To facilitate articulation of the University’s core learning outcomes.
Guiding Principles
ISU is committed to realizing a culture of assessment that includes:
- A unified, coherent, and systematic program that includes clearly defined objectives and outcomes developed by the faculty and staff and is consistent with the institutional mission.
- A recognition that responsibility for the development of assessment procedures, methods, and intervention/alterations based on results is held by the faculty and staff of ISU and should be consistent with and complementary to broader institutional efforts.
- A recognition that assessment is intended to assess student learning, not individual faculty and staff performance.
- An emphasis on continuous improvement through a process of gathering, interpreting and using information to improve student achievement and support services.
Assessment of Foundational Studies (General Education)
At ISU, responsibility for the assessment and improvement of Foundational Studies (our general education curriculum) rests with the University College Council. Foundational Studies conducts assessment with at least three purposes in mind: 1) to determine whether students are achieving the educational goals of the program, 2) to improve instruction and to increase student academic achievement through a process of systematic feedback to faculty, academic programs, and the administration, and 3) to regularly review courses for inclusion in the Foundational Studies program.
The University College Council takes a three-pronged approach to achieving these goals that includes: 1) a regular cycle of learning outcomes assessment, 2) review of student self-reports of learning in every course, and 3) data analytics related to measures of student success.
Assessment of Graduate Programs
The College of Graduate and Professional Studies and the Graduate Council have recognized a core set of five student learning outcomes required of all graduate programs (See Assurance of Student Learning – Graduate Education at Indiana State University). The stated purpose of that initiative (and related processes) "is to enable programs and the broader community of the graduate faculty to reflect on and discuss the overall quality of the student learning experience and to identify strategies (curricular or co‐curricular) for program improvement." Departments report on their graduate programs' attainment of these objectives in their assessment plans.
Kelley Woods-Johnson, Ph.D. (she/her)
Director, Assessment & Program Effectiveness
Academic Affairs
Indiana State University
Rankin 243
(812) 237-7975
I am happy to meet to discuss your assessment needs. Feel free to email, call, or set up a virtual or in-person appointment.
FCTE Office Hours Spring 2024
- Wednesdays, 8:30am-10:30am
Schedule is subject to change. Call or email ahead to verify if desired.